<?php /** * Author: James Hu *Email: techman@navime.net */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/debug.php'); Error::$ExceptionEnabled = true; class RpcServer { // // private $passcode; // // private $public_funcs; // // public function RpcServer() { $this->__construct(); } // // public function __construct() { $this->passcode = md5('sunday'); $this->public_funcs = array('rpc_echo', 'rpc_version'); } public function run() { try { $this->request_handler(); } catch (Exception $e) { // catch all exceptions // $this->output(false, $e->getMessage()); } } public function set_passcode($passcode) { $this->passcode = md5($passcode); } public function set_public_func($func) { if(!preg_match('/^rpc_/i', $func)) $func = "rpc_$func"; $this->public_funcs[] = $func; } private function request_handler() { // // $this->load_modules(); // more flexible to specify the function name // $pnames = array('call', 'do', 'method'); // iterate the possible function name // foreach($pnames as $pname) { $func = @$_REQUEST[$pname]; if(!empty($func)) break; } // check if the rpc call exists // if(empty($func) || !function_exists("rpc_$func")) { throw new Exception("Rpc function does not exist"); } $func = "rpc_$func"; if(!in_array($func, $this->public_funcs)) { $this->authenticate(); } $params = @$_REQUEST['params']; // extract raw params information // if(empty($params)) { $params = array(); } else { $params = preg_split('/,/', $params); foreach($params as $k => $param) { $params[$k] = $this->json_decode($param); } } // get function's parameters // $funcRef = new ReflectionFunction($func); $paramsRef = $funcRef->getParameters(); for($i = 0; $i < count($paramsRef); ++$i) { $paramName = $paramsRef[$i]->name; if(isset($_REQUEST[$paramName])) { for($j = 0; $j < $i; ++$j) { if(!isset($params[$j])) $params[$j] = false; } $params[$i] = $this->json_decode($_REQUEST[$paramName]); } } $result = @call_user_func_array($func, $params); $this->output(true, $result); } private function json_decode($v) { if(preg_match('/^\[.*?\]$/i', $v)) { $p = json_decode($v, true); if($p) return $p; } return $v; } private function load_modules() { if(!file_exists('./modules')) return; $dir = dir('./modules'); while(false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { if(preg_match('/.*\.php$/i', $entry) && $entry != 'index.php') { require_once("./modules/$entry"); } } } private function output($error, $result) { if(@$_REQUEST['format'] == 'raw') { die($result); } else { die(json_encode(array('ok' => $error, 'response' => $result))); } } private function authenticate() { $passcode = md5(@$_REQUEST['passcode']); if($passcode != $this->passcode) { throw new Exception('access is denied'); } } }; function rpc_echo() { return func_get_args(); } function rpc_version() { return "rpc server v1.1"; } ?>
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Php Json-RPC source code (server side)
PHP Library
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